The Three Sisters The Three Sisters are located near Canmore, Alberta. Individually, they are named The Big Sister (faith) 2936m, The Middle Sister (charity) 2769m, and The Little Sister (hope) 2694m. While camping at the base of the mountains in the late Fall of 1883, Albert Rogers walked out of his tent in the morning and stated to his companions “Look at the three nuns”. The peaks were referred to as “The Three Nuns” until 1886 when George Mercer Dawson, a cartographer, identified them as “The Three Sisters” on one of his maps. This was partly due to his bent for Protestantism over Catholicism. To climb The Big Sister would be a moderate task. The Middle Sister is the easiest to climb, but The Little Sister requires expertise, sophisticated equipment, and perseverance. To traverse from one to the other would not be recommended, even for experienced